Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Anna and Dom's wedding

The Wedding Party when Anna and Dom were making their vows.

I went out with one of theses guys during my nursing training, and we had a dance for old times sake. He started to jive. I had a dodgy foot and slip on shoes. We were on a crowded, tiny dance floor, and he started to twirl me in and out, and then we missed connection, and I finished up on the floor at the groom's feet - dignity shattered, but body intact! We retreated. We are no longer 21!!

As we drove home, a couple, George (I assume Georgina) and Tom, phoned my cousin Damien to tell him and his wife ( Tom's parents) that they had just got engaged. We diverted, and had dinner with this very excited, happy couple. It was a very special time to be with them.

It was an amazing few days, and I was glad I was part of these celebrations.

Had one last 'Widow Moment' after the wedding. My outfit had a fitted dress under the jacket, and I could not reach the zip to undo it. My cousin obliged by pulling it down a few inches from the top, but we finished up doing this on what was a main road outside my motel!
If any bright engineer has a solution to this problem, lots of women would be grateful.

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